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The PJ

A good friend wanted a walking stick and  being one  that loves to  create, the new line was born. This is a natural progression. I see these sticks as mini didges. I have been toying with the idea of putting flutes  on the handle side. All things are possible.


This is from a smaller agave, the Nolina parryii. What makes the Blue Agave so durable and resilient, this one  has, with the added advantage of being solid. You can not break a 1 inch stalk on your knee. The fibers that line up along the axis are amazing and super lightweight.

Like any didge, you are free to customize with stones, inlays,  size, color combination or el natural. Feathers from my OCD plucking African Grey are limited. What's in your mind's eye?   After your binoculars, every birder needs one. Set the standard.

Shepherd's crook

There's always some variation in nature and this is that 1 in1000. Environmentally, 99.9% are straight and perpendicular to the ground but obviously this one has influences beyond the norm. It's interesting that when using this crook, you get a little extra bounce when you push on it. A large malachite stone is mounted on the pommel. Aesthetically appealing to the eye.
Plus or minus a gram, weighs in at 1 pound or 454 g. Total length is 42 inches. A copper wrapped tip ensures longevity. Functionality at 10 with a very organic feel.



Prototype of all sticks down line. I really love this one. Made with beauty in mind. I try to duplicate this form and function. The balance of color vs natural finish is exact in my eye. Not only do we have two turquoise stones but balance needs two azurite stone topped off on the pommel with malachite. Three stone all related to copper. A show stick that has it all except weight: weighting in at 385 grams (13.45 oz) and 45 inches long. A copper wrapped tip ensures longevity, finished with a resin end. My OCD African grey has donated plucked feathers as a finishing touch,

with a scorpion brand.


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when you see the perfect didgeridoo?
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